Category Archives: Uncategorized

Como La Flor

Acoustic Mondays in February at Hard Luck Lounge

You Are Invited To My Shows

Friends, I’m playing some SHOWS this month, shows in Austin, Lockhart, Corpus Christi and Port Aransas. I’m mixing my record in the 3rd week of July. A bit of activity after a couple of months of not playing out. Playing … Continue reading

SXSW 2018

Once again, I’ve stayed in town and am playing some SXSW shows. Here is the flyer I made today. Hope to hang with you soon!

Poem from Thax Douglas

Thax Douglas wrote this poem while seeing me play at Cheer Up Charlies in 2016. The next month he traveled with us for a few days on the road in Europe, from Berlin to Copenhagen. Here is a photo of … Continue reading

First Night of Recording

by Bradley King   Michael has converted his bedroom and our living room into A Studio to record some first takes of the second Longriver album. The center of his room is completely cleared; mics are set up for vocals … Continue reading

Crooked Crow Songwriter's Retreat

I was lucky to attend  the Crooked Crow Songwriter’s Retreat in West Texas. Big thank yous to Johann Wagner, the Lemon Lounge, Rich Russell, and everyone who attended. Song juice box is filled up and I feel inspired create.  I’m … Continue reading

Writing and Recording

I’m hot on the trail of a record. I’m writing it now, and am looking to record before the years end…following the tail of inspiration. I wonder what studio I will record at.


Friends. Once again, I leave Austin. This time performing alongside Rich Russell from the Lonesome Heroes.  This is a short tour, a mini tour, a tiny tour. Who do I know in Denton, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Fayetteville, Fort Worth?  How … Continue reading

Pacific Northwest Tour

North by Northwest! It seems like I travel to the Pacific Northwest yearly. And this is true. Below is the poster. Hints of the last Whole Earth Catalog. I feel those Douglas fir, summer in the 70’s, nature in your … Continue reading